To continue last week’s catchup:
Ulysses and Working Copy
This made me LOL because it was something Working Copy sent me. I really like Working Copy; I use it often and when I was primarily working at school on an iPad it was essential (I keep my writing work, and this blog, in git). I haven’t tried using Ulysses myself, but I thought this might be a good teaser for some of my writer folks interested in getting with git. Happy to discuss more (and I’m actually working on a project towards this, but for now mum’s the word).
Back In Alaska to Share the Story of the Roads: Lael Wilcox Rides Alaska
by Rugile Kaladyte and Lael Wilcox
I can’t remember if I actually read this or just bookmarked it; I know I looked at the pictures. Big fan of Rue and Lael and so even if I’m lazy and can’t read, you should.
Zhaawani-noodin: There is a South Wind – a Response to the Name “Dirty Kanza”
by Alexandera Houchin
This was beautiful and actually you really should read it and I also like how it was written.
Such Things Have Done Harm
by Blair Mcclendon
This was brilliant and very much worth spending time thinking about. Some things from it that I copied into my quotes scrapbook:
We cannot fall into the trap of believing that a system willing to humiliate, harass, gas and murder fears a good movie, much less a rise in the ambient levels of empathy. “What can we do?” already admits a realm of impossibility. It is better to ask “what are we willing to do?”
A popular way to defend film as a socially important form is to rely on Roger Ebert’s formulation that film is an “empathy machine.” The idea of a machine producing empathy is already a strange dislocation of a cognitive miracle. It is observed in a wide range of animals including rats, elephants and dolphins. It seems to be somewhat of a necessity for sociality and is a central component of learning. We don’t need machines for that and we do not face a deficit. The problem is not a lack of the ability to perceive and feel another’s pain.
There is no such thing as the right to self-defense against the police. One is supposed to acquiesce to whatever punishment is meted out and hope to live long enough to settle a lawsuit with the city. It is this right that the mayor defended when he said there was no problem with the NYPD’s response to the protests. There definitionally cannot be. There is no such thing as police violence, only criminal violence, and it is the cop who catches the robber, not the other way around. There is no common ground between the baton and the skull. Every night one might see the snarl and wonder, “Is this when they start shooting?” It is reason enough for people to stay indoors, to obey curfews, to acquiesce. But many of us have lived our entire lives knowing the shooting can start on any night. There are differences now. I am more clear-eyed about what I am walking towards and I know its risks. In the lulls, I think about other things: my hand just above someone else’s knee in a restaurant late at night, making conversation with a friend’s toddler, coffee spilled down the front of a new shirt, a novel I have just finished reading—all the rest of trying to lead a life. Then the world speeds up and a nightstick is swinging towards me. We are human and they are human, but we cannot be reconciled, because the war has not been won.
Why Won’t Corporate America Support Single Payer Medicare-for-All?
by Mark Dudzic, National Coordinator of the Labor Campaign for Single Payer
I was thinking about this one day and then I googled it and this was a satisfactory answer.
Chrome-Plated Pistols and Pink Polos: The Face of Elite Panic in the USA
by Rebecca Solnit
Oof. Being from St. Louis, this whole thing was both unsurprisng and painful. Solnit, I feel, always has good things to say:
Here are elites willing to see others die to preserve orderly property relations—we saw another version of it a few months ago when wealthy and conservative businesspeople started suggesting it would be fine for people, people other than themselves, to die in order for the economy to come roaring back. Those elites project onto the masses their own ruthlessness and savagery; they fear others on the basis that they may be like themselves. I’m sure you want to kill me so I will kill you first.
Why Do Some Mathematicians Think They’re Poets?
by Susan D’Agostino
I <3 Math and Poems. Another book I’m interested in. (Protip: LitHub is always just trying to sell you books.)
Andy Warhol’s Secrets for Surviving Isolation
by Sophie Atkinson
Another book I’m interested in. Enjoyed the essay, too.
Before “Philosophy,” I primarily thought of Warhol in terms of his productivity — the wildly prolific artist once told an interviewer that “everybody should be a machine.” Finding out that it was the truly mundane details of life that he savored the most — tending to his zits, vacuuming while watching daytime television — set me straight. Warhol didn’t appear to think time could be wasted. Instead, he argues, it’s “the little times you don’t think are anything while they’re happening,” and not the parties or adventures or art projects, that are the most significant.
Every Great Writer is a Great Deceiver: Vladimir Nabokov’s Best Writing Advice
by Emily Temple
I think I read this because in the opening it has:
[Dyer’s list] contains mostly good advice, but I’m afraid I can’t quite get behind #3, despite its obvious utility: “Don’t be one of those writers who sentence themselves to a lifetime of sucking up to Nabokov,” Dyer says.
I only vaguely remember this article, but I remember it vaguely interesting.
In Early Modern Europe, Reading and Writing Meant Getting Your Hands Dirty
by Anthony Grafton
Damn. I am sure I didn’t read this all the way through, but the title makes it seem interesting AF.
How to Organize for Equitable Employment at your Tech Company
by David Delmar Sentíes
File under: very important. I’m proud that my company seems to be trying. We’ll see how it goes, though.
Why I use Atom instead of X
by Denys Dovhan
Pair with the Ulysses thing above. I was trying for a minute to get my coworkers to abandon Sublime Text, but they like it, and that’s fine. It does some thing out of the box that I’ve had to write code for, but it’s OK. But mostly it seems like my coworkers prefer the web platform instead of pulling local git copies so NBFD anyway.
I’m So Tired
By Sabrina Orah Mark
This was beautiful. Without giving anything away, see:
I write about Sleeping Beauty and then I erase everything I write about Sleeping Beauty, while my husband starts saving eggshells, and carrot peels, and coffee grinds, and bread, and dryer lint, and banana peels, and orange rinds in a plastic container that sits on our kitchen counter. He has started worm composting. In three to six months he promises we will have nutrient-rich soil to grow more flowers and vegetables. I am worried there won’t be enough airflow, and he will forget to harvest the worm castings, and all the worms will die. I am worried about maggots and rot. “Trust me,” he says. “Please trust me.” And he’s right. I need to trust him more. And I need to trust the worms and the air and the soil more, too. But I’m still worried.
Team Brooks: a Grassroots Gravel Performance Art Installation Does Kanzaz
by Ronnie Romance
Bike stuff. This was just so fun. I don’t remember why I stumbled upon this old article but still, fun. Also, yay, DK is going to change its name. Fucking finally.
The Easiest Thing in the World
by Taylor Grieshober
I met Taylor at AWP in Austin this year (this one). The other UMass Boston folks and I accidented out way into some lit agent party (free fancy drinks: a wonderful win), we met Taylor, and she was lovely and we ended up chilling for a while.
Taylor got 3rd in this contest! For this story! So therefore please read it; I rather enjoyed it myself.
The Mind’s Ear: An Interview with Gary Lutz
by Kimberly King Parsons
What made me google this was a friend asking me the other day if I wanted them to mail me back the copy of Stories in the Worst Way that I’d lent them at some point in the past year. I’d gotten The Complete Gary Lutz in the meantime, so I told them I was good, but thinking fondly of Lutz (and not having the volume handy to read (long story)), I figured I’d do a google.
Here is a wonderful description of Lutz’s work, and also maybe the most badass endorsement of a book I think I’ve ever read:
[My professor] handed me the book and told me to be careful—not like I might lose his beloved, marked-up copy, but like reading it might hurt.
Also, it’s an interesting interview, also the booklist at the end seems extraordinarily intriguing.
And holy shit that’s the backlog (or at least the one I amassed on my work computer; we’ll see what happens if/when I see what lurks in my personal computer).
More book recs and other shit soon.
Late addition:
Is This the End of Writing in Cafés?
by Emily Temple
If only for the line:
Public spaces are the opposite of my bed.
(It’s otherwise a pretty fun article, but that line was what made me include this.)