At best I get around to writing something for this blog like, what, once a month? Less? I suppose it depends on the year and season. And now, for example, it’s mostly "bike season," which means that I’m spending less not-work time at the ol' text editor and more time looking at bike parts on the internet (I mean: riding my bike). Still. Though I can’t seem to get my shit together to actually get any of these written down, I do occasionally still have ideas, and as a deeply lazy way of getting them off my brain-plate, here are some of them:

  • I am not prepared for brevet season but I am excited nonetheless

  • Rewriting my desk setup, and rewriting it again, to foil the cable-chewing kitten

  • Mildly-Instagram-famous person spotted at local bar, Danny is not sure whether to say hi or not, decides not to, regrets this later

  • Two Page Tuesday, results[1]

  • Why it’s important to understand what you’re buying (an unpublishable letter)

  • I think I like rust (the language, not on my bike)

  • [redacted]

  • Tmux → Zellij and relearning keymaps

  • 400k in < 18 hours, or: following Tom’s wheel

  • A time for rest and relaxation

Of that last one, perhaps it’s worth saying a little more, namely that I was fucking tired, in a global way, in a cumulative-load kind of way, by the end of this spring. I was sick for like two weeks in March, and then we were either hosting guests or traveling nearly every week and/or weekend, and work was busy, and I was trying to flog myself into some kind of catch-up shape for the bike season, and a number of other small, niggling things, that finally caught up to me (for, as is often pointed out: I am no longer in my early twenties). So I have been resting, focusing on relaxing, in other words recovering, and it has been so nice. It means that I’ve done less than maybe I could have,[2] and though it’s taken a good month and a half or so, I’m starting to feel more myself again, starting to have energy to chase any attractive-looking car that passes by the yard (in this metaphor I am a dog), and it’s nice. I’m still feeling a little fuzz-brained, at times, and I’m not always as immediately articulate as I’d like to be, but hey: like writing a novel, like riding your bike for a long time, it’s a process.

And thus, instead of anything actually interesting to read, we have a list of things that might have been interesting to write about instead.

1. This one I should actually write, though.
2. Although, relatively speaking, I’ve still done quite a lot