I got a new job recently, and given all the clusterfuckiness in the world, today I worked from home. I took my fancy new laptop computer home when I left work Wednesday, wondering if this wouldn’t happen. I got an email forwarded from my boss on my personal email about two hours after I left the office that we were all being directed to work from home. Since I’m still in grad school, since they were kind enough to take me on part time until I finished (starting full time when I do, which is really the best, greatest thing), today was my first day remote. On Thursdays I usually TA a COMM100 class, but alas: those were cancelled.
So today I spent working with the cat on my lap, keyboard, with her sleeping on the other end of the couch, snoring, really, and then I biked over to the grocery store to meet A., under the assumption that it would be a mad house: it wasn’t, or at least not worse than it usually is on the weekends. It was Friday night, though, and the toilet paper in the toilet paper aisle had been replaced by Coke-a-cola, if that tells you anything.
But tonight was good. We had our friend and downstairs neighbor over for Chinese takeout from the place a block up the road, and watched Booksmart on Hulu, and it was cute and nice. I drank a lot of whiskey. The cat is here with me now, A., brushing her teeth. It’s going to be a weird few weeks. People are scared, people are taking care of each other. I think most of us are trying to do our best.