While you can find fuller details on the website, here is this blog’s notification about the next Two Page Tuesday, which, being the second, gets further alliteration:
TPT #2
August 13, 2024 at 6:30pm
The Banshee (upstairs), 934 Dorchester Ave, Boston, MA 02125
We’ll be back at The Banshee (because they love us, we love them, and they are happy to give us upstairs for "free" because we drink like fishes). This will be our second reading and we are very, very excited.
As ever, socializing is strongly encouraged before and after the reading.
Readers (subject to change): Caitlin Ghegan, Jonny Lipshin, Krisela Karaja, Logan Buckley, Megan Waring, Nick Roberts, Nick Snow
The last one was an excellent time and I expect this one to be no different. If you happen to be in Boston, come join us: we don’t bite, I promise.